Goodbye Ash.

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Chloe and Ash

I thought I’d take a moment to remember Ash. The fuzziest, sweetest photo assistant I ever had. Sure, others were more helpful. That’s to be expected; Ash was a cat after all. Until cats grow opposable thumbs they’re limited in usefulness.

He did shine in one aspect. Everyone loved him. He deserved every ounce of affection given to him. He deserved every rub, scratch, lap, treat. He deserved the baby talk, piggy back rides, warm bed and large meals. He was special.

I’ll miss him.

Here’s Chloe giving the ol’ boy a rub before getting on with the shoot.

Goofballery & Silliness

propriam presentacionem

So another gallery of images is up. I use gallery loosely as there’s one photo in there right now. More are to come as I work through the photos.

This is Chloe. One of the most animated and expressive women I have worked with. Look. Proof! Right there!

So, Goofballery & Silliness is a thing now. Enjoy!