This week’s been heavy on the 3D side of things. Besides getting more lights for the scanning stuff, I was able to get out and scan some more gravestones and monument statues. Some of them have been very positively received.
I’ve published the Weekly Gallery a little earlier in the week. It’s a suggestion from a friend who thinks that maybe people are too busy having fun on the weekends to support a pornographer… err, artist.
It’s a good idea, worth a try. I don’t think it ever occurred to me that people have lives and do things on the weekends. Don’t they stare at a computer monitor and edit photos and scans all weekend long? I’m not sure if I can live in a world that isn’t a social recluse like myself.
So, other than that I got more lights over the week for scanning and shootin’. I’ll have to back off on the purchases for a little while… I can hear my bank account dry heaving.
I’ve spent a good amount of time working on the next book. Here’s a little preview of some of the sugar contained therein:
The week was good! It’s been a sort of mini-vacation with an artist friend. We’ve gluttoned* lots of good food, lots of good drink and lots of laughs.
I’ve even had some time to do a scan test on him.
The scans are getting better, the technology is getting more manageable. It really is becoming a resource issue now. Space, light and cameras – Increase those elements while decreasing time and we’re golden.
I may stray a little further afield from just one week. A lot has been happening.
First of all, I’ve had a couple of shoots with Whiskey Waffles, a musician and model, an all around bad ass. I’ve been negligent in posting her photos, but that will change this upcoming week, I promise.
Whiskey Waffles eating grapes and checking out my book, Derp BIRDS