Dallas, TX – looking for Mature (30+) women for adult modeling

I’m itching to shoot!

If you’re a mature natural woman (30 or older), who’s height/weight proportionate interested in erotic/fetish and alternative porn modeling; send me a note and introduce yourself.

I prefer to work with amateurs and non-professionals. So if you’re a traveling model or local pro, you should move on to the next casting call.

If you’re a hobbyist model, explorer of new experiences, exhibitionist and/or adventurous, contact me.

Here are the particulars:

  • Open call to amateurs and fresh faces
  • Should be a female 30 years old or older (no upper limit any age over 30 is welcome and encouraged to apply)
  • Open for Dallas/Ft. Worth area women
  • Good natured, great personalities, creative, silly sense of humor is a plus
  • Submissives and slaves get my attention
  • Model release is required
  • The shoot will be TFP/TFCD (trade for time essentially)

How do you get started? Send me a note (model[at] dvu5.com) to introduce yourself (include some clear photos of yourself). Things you might mention if you’re stuck: what turns you on and off, What tickles your fancy, what are your favorite movies and books, etc..

Looking forward to working with you!

model[at] dvu5.com

Model Search and Goofballery

Looking for model to exploit this week! This is a paid gig for fresh faces, amateurs and new models. All women interested are welcome to apply. To get started send me your info, model (at) dvu5.com, including:

  1. your name,
  2. email address,
  3. height/weight/measurements,
  4. dress and shoe size,
  5. five (5) recent photographs of yourself (include a head shot and full figure shots),
  6. and your availability (a typical shoot lasts 3-5 hours, not including travel).

Also… added a few shots to the Goofballery and Sillyness port. Thought you might like to see some humanity.

Petite women for adult modeling

Looking for a petite all natural woman for some adult, fetish, alt-porn modeling. Fresh faces, amateurs and new models are all welcome to apply.

I’m a professional artist and photographer, published worldwide. This is a paid modeling gig of explicit photography for a new publication.

It’s easy to apply! Just reply with:

  1. your name,
  2. date of birth,
  3. email address,
  4. height/weight/measurements,
  5. dress and shoe size,
  6. five (5) recent photographs of yourself (include a head shot and full figure shots),
  7. list of experience and recent modeling work (experience not necessary for the gig),
  8. and the most convenient schedule you typically have to work for 4-5 hours.

Looking forward to working with you!

Plodding along.

I’m inspired. I’m absolutely fired up. I’ve been building custom lights and rigs, new camera mounts and sets. My vision has blown open.

The problem is I’m in the middle of prototyping, iterations, and sometimes I feel like I’m running in circles. But that’s not the worst of it… I may not have anything to show for it for at least a year or two. That kills me.

But I keep shooting. I keep looking. I keep making my special brand of filth, trash, etc…

If you want to model for me, be a part of the new work, check out this post and do what it says: http://dvu5.com/2015/07/dallas-tx-looking-for-petite-or-tiny-women-for-some-unique-modeling-work/

Dallas, TX – Looking for petite or tiny women for some unique modeling work.

This is a paid gig for women of any age or ethnicity who’s petite, tiny and/or thin.

My work is going in new directions, including new technologies and vision. I need to shoot with as many petite women as possible over the next few years to make this vision come true.

(Actually, I’ll need to shoot as many varied body types as I can, but for now I want to concentrate on smaller women.)

What you should know: This is nude work and like the rest of my work – it’ll be explicit and shameless. You should be comfortable with being viewed as a desirable and sexualized object/being.

I prefer to shoot with new models, fresh faces and amateurs, but all are welcome and encouraged to apply.

Send me a note at my email address (model@dvu5.com) and include 5 reference photos of yourself (include a clear headshot & several full figure shots), full name, date of birth, email address, your height/weight, and typical schedule/availability over the course of a week.
