I’ve shut down the Patreon site.
While one thing plops new stuff boils from it’s moist remains.*
I’m still shootin’.Most recently with Whisky Waffles and a newcomer, M.
I’ve been scanning in my personal collection of vintage slides and negatives. Some of the photos are really wonderful. I can’t wait to ruin them. In the mean time I’ll share some of them unedited (mostly). Keep an eye out for them.
3D scanning continues as well. I still haven’t gotten a workable human scan. It’s a technical problem. Technically I could throw a lot of money at the issue and it’ll go away. I can’t do that though, so it’s a matter of thinking creatively to solve it.
I’m so close.
Oh hey! Shootin’ with Mallory this weekend too. Gonna be a good time.
*I love that terrible, terrible sentence.