Covid was a bitch, wasn’t it?

So, updates… I got sick. Not Covid, but happened at the same time. It knocked me out of the game for a year or so. I’m much better now and have been working when I can. See images below.

Yep. That’s Chapel Waste, mutherfucka! This makes us working together (off and on) for 16 years.

Also, I’m getting Mystique back for more scanning shenanigans (scananigans?), had a session with Jen recently as well.

Check out Chapel’s OnlyFans Site here:

Big update

The server had an upgrade and a couple of my posts were deleted. Could be worse all things considered. That does mean that I have a lot to update you on though.

Personally I feel a little lazy about it all and may just dump a buttload of images in your lap and let you sort it out for yourself. Heh.

So to bring you up to speed:

  • the 3D scanning rig (ver. 2) worked better than I hoped. Now I need to bring in more cameras… working on that right now.
  • Still looking for a studio space. Came very close to buying a warehouse a couple of months ago, it fell through though. Back on the hunt again. The challenge is finding a space in my price range and with a relatively convenient location… hard to do in North Texas.
  • Looking for some fresh faces and perverse minds for models… hard to do in North Texas too ifnyaknowutimean. If you’re interested, check out this info here.

Here are some images to chew on. Enjoy!

Here are some additional pieces that I’m calling sketches for now. I’m tinkering and seeing where this takes me. It could be good, could suck. Either way I think it’s interesting to see the embarrassing stumbles that might lead to gold. It’s worth the exercise.  Here are my stumbles:

Here’s a project I’m tentatively calling the History of Pornography (I’m terrible at titles):


A coupla things…

A few new vintage bondage/pinup scans for you to peruse.

And some of my own nonsense.

You can probably tell that a lot of these photos are pretty old. Maybe that’s a hint on how close I’m getting to the re-issue of Special Cases, my first book.

I’m getting closer.


Non Vintage schtuff…

Working on the next book… still. It’s up to four volumes now. That’s insane!

I need a break.

Here’s some schtuff.

Quick Update – Left Behind

Hey, just a quickie here. I’ve updated the Left Behind project gallery with a few new pics (actually, old pics – but new to the site).

The Left Behind book is getting to be too huge and has been split into two volumes to keep the price down. This may be rectified by some serious editing, but in it’s rough state it’s a big mutha.

Oh yeah, also added a couple of pieces to the Goofballery and Silliness gallery.