The Fall of Tumblr

…was a blessing.

I don’t feel any pressure to post anymore. No need to keep updating the old photo blog with reblogs and time wasting curiosities. I’ve used the time to work on my scanner instead and boy have I come a long way.

But first. Here’s a recap of some of the final images posted to my Tumblr sites:

Here’s the message I left to Tumblr regarding my feelings on the matter at the time:

Don’t worry. My Twitter feed is still going and that’s where you’ll find my ramblings, meanderings, photos, updates ‘n stuff.

Week in Review (Oct. 21, 2016)

I’ve published the Weekly Gallery a little earlier in the week. It’s a suggestion from a friend who thinks that maybe people are too busy having fun on the weekends to support a pornographer… err, artist.

It’s a good idea, worth a try. I don’t think it ever occurred to me that people have lives and do things on the weekends. Don’t they stare at a computer monitor and edit photos and scans all weekend long? I’m not sure if I can live in a world that isn’t a social recluse like myself.

So, other than that I got more lights over the week for scanning and shootin’. I’ll have to back off on the purchases for a little while… I can hear my bank account dry heaving.

I’ve spent a good amount of time working on the next book. Here’s a little preview of some of the sugar contained therein:

There ya go. Just for you. Now share it and this post with your friends and come on by Patreon to support a cantankerous old fuddy-duddy like lil’ ol’ me.

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