Week in Review (Nov. 11, 2016)

Well, shit. I don’t need to tell you what a fucking nightmare this week has been.

How about we just get to the schexy schtuff?

Weekly Patreon Gallery Wank:

Patreon Exclusive Exhumation:

Social Media Mastication:

Nekkidness and Tomfoolery

3D scanning has been occupying my thoughts. I’m desperate to get to the next level, whatever that may be, of my work. Getting an accurate, detailed, photogrammetric scan of my subjects is the first step. I’m hitting the wall of my tiny kidney bean-like brain though… and my wallet, seriously… this this is getting expensive.

Still, the work goes on and I’ve made many prototypes of lighting rigs (lighting is my main enemy at this point). The necessary components of a good photogrammetric scan is control of the depth of field and maintaining focus in indirect light. There’s been some success though, I’ve included a few small scale test scans below, but you can see more on my Sketchfab site:


But I bet this 3D tomfoolery isn’t what you’re here for. You probably want to see some nekkidness… amiright?

Here’s a few more for the portfolio.


The New Direction I’ve Been Talkin’ About…

Even mistakes can be interesting. This is something that I’m working on, a new approach to my photography and art (Yes, everything here is photographically derived). There’s a lot of missteps, learning experiences and fuck ups. But, man, I’m enjoying the hell out of being a failure.

Thought you all might like a look at what’s been going on, finally.