
Lovely to see MandiMunster back! In an evening shoot punctuated by the dead, go-kart backfire and cow moo’s not one alien corpse was seen. Much better things were seen though. Here’s a quick sample of our work. I haven’t pilfered through all the shots yet, but here are some quick stabs at a few.

The Valkyrie

© M. Offield, All Rights Reserved.

I had a good shoot with a new model over the weekend. I’m a little brain-fried right now, but before I pass out I thought I should introduce you to her… ’cause she’s awesome. And nekkid. In that order.

Sleep now.

A Thorny Sample

I took thousands of images of Thorn the other day. Thousands. Hundreds of photos aren’t unusual for me, but I think this is the first time I broke the thousand photo count in a single shoot.

I’ll be sifting through these photos for years.

Here’s another quick pass as I meander through the mountain.