Meet Christina

I got a shoot in with Christina a couple of days ago. Much fun, lotsa’ dirty pics. Have a gander below:


She responded to my mature casting call and I think it all turned out awesome.

On the 3D front, I’ve just about got the first prototype camera array up and running. I’m waiting on a few lenses to arrive and then I’ll be running the first scans very, very soon. I’m excited.

My schedule is insane these days, but I don’t care. I’m gonna pack in as many shoots and scans as I possibly can. I don’t wanna die with a reputation of being a lazy bum. Just being a bum is good enough for me.

Coming Together

All the work I’ve been doing on 3D scanning, photogrammetry and my vintage photo collection have been coming together.

There’s still so much more to do, but I feel I’m finally in place to put some pieces together to see how they fit. Thus, the “sketches” you see above. I wouldn’t call them successful or finished. But they’re necessary for me to evaluate the next steps.

Continue reading “Coming Together”

Stuff ‘n Things

Le Finger has got another name change. it was briefly changed to Wild Tweets, but now I think Derp Birds* might be better. It reflects some of the changes I’ve made to it since I’ve got the last proof copy. It has a lot more candid, bloopers and weird images of models being themselves… y’know, derpy.

It’s a silly book. It makes me happy.

It’s going out for the next, and final (I hope), proof run. I’m getting anxious and want this out. I think I may make it available to (in electronic format) to my Patreon supporters before it goes on sale. Keep an eye out for it on my Patreon site for more info when it’s available.

So what is a Derp Bird? Here’s a sample below:

*I suck at naming things and I may just go back to my default pseudo-latin pun gibberish before this book hits shelves.

Le Finger update

Le Finger has been renamed to Wild Tweets (A Collection of Bird Photography) and has been sent off for a second proof round. Weee!


The New Direction I’ve Been Talkin’ About…

Even mistakes can be interesting. This is something that I’m working on, a new approach to my photography and art (Yes, everything here is photographically derived). There’s a lot of missteps, learning experiences and fuck ups. But, man, I’m enjoying the hell out of being a failure.

Thought you all might like a look at what’s been going on, finally.